Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "H"

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. She is attractive and gorgeous, but you should be careful. She is hairy at the heel. You shouldn’t be easy to trust her.
  2. We will establish a new company and we have to be hand in hand with our partner for further step in order to expand our business.
  3. I think we should help them, especially for their economic. They are hand to mouth, and they are also our family.
  4. I’m sorry to call you here, but I can’t read your writing. Actually, this task will be used for the final score examination. Look, your handwriting like chicken scratch. Can you rewrite your answers from this task, please?
  5. She has hangdog expression. Perhaps we have to leave her alone for a while. We know that she has many problems. After she gets calm, we can talk to her slowly and give a help to solve her problems.
  6. Excuse me Sir. You should speak louder to her, Ms. Catherine is hard of hearing.
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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "T"

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. Please don’t make him stress or angry, He is temperamental. And now, he is trying to tackle an issue.
  2. He takes after his father. He is handsome, smart, sincere, and loyal. I love him so much.
  3. All of this become your benefit, so just leave us and take for granted.
  4. Alex doesn’t have many friends in school. Just because he is a teacher’s pet, his friends are envy to him.
  5. To err is human, I think you should forgive her. You have known that she won’t do it again.
  6. Don’t worry too much brother, it is tongue in cheek. I will help you to find the best solution for this case.
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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "S"

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. Don’t screw up, we have made this research for 2 days.
  2. I sell like hot cakes today, the Persian bought my entire products.
  3. The participants in demonstration see red. There is a big chaos between local people and police.
  4. We have set up lights and interior design. All of the cost must be paid in two days.
  5. Her father suggests Tina to continue her study after graduation. But she prefers the silver screen.
  6. The weather is not good today, maybe I am going to sleep over in Tony’s house for a night.
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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "P"

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. This market is packed like sardines, too many fruits and vegetables seller here.
  2. I found him on the edge of the road. He has passed out at the time, perhaps he runs out of medicines. So, I decided to bring him to the hospital.
  3. I really sorry because I cannot send you enough money, I have to pick up the tab this month.
  4. I received a pink slip. Now I confused, where do I have to work.
  5. I know you have known everything behind me, so don’t you play a fool with me.
  6. The goal keeper often played with fire. The team captain sounded the alarm to him.
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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "O"

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. It’s really hard to reach that village, we have to go by passing wide forest and rivers. That village is off the beaten track.
  2. All of the people in the world are curious about the rumor, but several news agencies said that the source must be off the record.
  3. Anthony, please. Don’t be so sure with weirdo. Watch him! He looks like an old hat.
  4. New offer from our biggest partner company has been claimed. So the proposal we have made is on hold.
  5. You have to calm down yourself, you are on the rebound. You should find something which can make you relax and then you can start something new.
  6. The bandits are on the run, police cars and helicopters are chasing them around the New York City.
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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "N"

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. My adventure was a nail-biter. I was lost in the jungle, and I had better not telling you about that. I am in trauma.
  2. We have to try to consider everything twice before we do it because you know that never a rose without a prick.
  3. Although we may gain much money, market competitions are no bed of roses.
  4. I will not allow you to use your cell phone, don’t use the car and credit card. I will keep them, consider it as your punishment. No questions!
  5. He is a hard worker. He often works on Sunday, his principle is no pain, no gain
  6. You must not underestimate him. Considering his family background, he must have a lot of experiences and he is not born yesterday.
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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "M"

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. My uncle in the California is made of money. You may call him for requesting a loan. He is a man of means.
  2. I must find a job quickly. I have three sons and one sister and I must make ends meet. If you have any information please call me.
  3. He makes over his car. He believes that his girlfriend will be happy by that. They are going to attend the party in the Green Bay Resort tonight.
  4. If you need some help to make a beautiful poem, you can meet my bother named Jacob. He is a man of letters, his friends have already acknowledged him.
  5. Don’t play with kids, just meet your match.
  6. I totally forget about that, but he does not. His memory likes an elephant.
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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "L"

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. He asks apologies many times to me, it really likes a fish needs a bicycle.
  2. He looks like a kid in a candy store even he buys a pack of cigarette for each workmate in the office.
  3. Ms. Claudia is very smart, intellect, and talented woman. Her performance and reputation are good. There is no reason for not hiring her as the secretary in this office. I heard her way of working is like clock work.
  4. Son, trust me please. You may request loan approval in the Bank. But you don’t take any business with Mr. Louis, He is a loan shark.
  5. Lock and load! The front-line is ambushed by the enemies. Prepare for battle!
  6. I think it’s a long shot for me to get loan approval from Bank for this month.
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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "G"

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. Gear up guys! We have to destroy enemy line and sabotage their basement.
  2. You don’t have to smash your little sister, she is just a girl. You should get a grip.
  3. He always gets in on the act. He always change his smartphone if the newest coming.
  4. Now I get the picture. To love someone is better than to be loved.
  5. Don’t hesitate to do good deeds. You may start learning to do it by giving someone a hand.
  6. Mr. Laurent was a rich people and he used to manage his three oil companies. But now he goes back to his homeland and his companies go bust.
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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "F"

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. Your father has already given advices to you. You shouldn’t ignore him. Look, now you face the music.
  2. This place is really beautiful. I feel at home because the garden is full of various flowers and this building has similar model with my house.
  3. His uncle has just passed away, you should meet him. He must be feeling blue, he needs motivation and spirits.
  4. For Pete’s sake! Why don’t you call me? I’m sorry to hear about this, but I’m willing to help you.
  5. After the Tsunami happened, for the time being the victims are evacuated to the closest military base camp.
  6. If you really love her, just tell her what you are felling. Trust me, fortune knocks once at every man’s door.
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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "E"

Monday, March 25, 2013

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. Earn living is the most important thing and it’s one of the responsibilities from the husband.
  2. I think this homework is not hard to finish. It’s easy as ABC.
  3. I suggest you for not playing gambling. I know you may earn much money, but it will be easy come and easy go. Just try to find a right job for your life.
  4. You should eat your words and leave this place as soon as possible. Everybody knows that you are a big liar.
  5. Just keep trying to do your best. I wish you luck brother, you know that every dogs has its day.
  6. I have fallen in love in the first sight, she is an eye candy and I want to know about her.
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English Idioms
Each to their own
Orang yang berbeda memiliki pilihan yang berbeda-beda
Eager beaver
Orang yang sangat tekun.
Eagle eyes
Bermata elang. Seseorang yang bisa melihat semuanya dengan teliti.
Early bird catches the worm
Jika kamu memulai sesuatunya lebih awal, maka kamu sedang berada pada kesempatan yang terbaik untuk menuju kesuksesan.
Earn living
Mencari/ berusaha menghasilkan uang.
Ears are burning
Merasakan atau mengetahui bahwa ada orang lain yang membicarakan tentang anda dengan cara yang tidak baik.
Ease up
Membuat jadi lebih santai.
Easier said than done
Lebih mudah berbicara daripada bertindak/ melakukannya.
Easy as ABC
Sangat mudah atau sederhana.
Easy as beans
Sesuatu yang sangat mudah untuk dilakukan oleh siapapun.
Easy come, easy go
Menggambarkan uang atau materi lainnya yang dihasilkan dengan usaha yang tidak banyak akan cepat habis/ hilang.
Easy does it
Diekspresikan saat menyarankan seseorang untuk melakukan suatu tugas dengan sangat hati-hati dan perlahan.
Eat humble pie
Meminta maaf dan menunjukkan kesedihan yang sangat mendalam terhadap sesuatu yang telah dilakukan.
Eat like a bird
Makan dengan porsi yang sedikit.
Eat like a horse
Makan dengan porsi yang banyak.
Eat like a pig
Makan dengan porsi yang sangat banyak dan tidak memiliki cara/ sikap yang baik ketika sedang makan.
Eat my hat
Diekspresikan ketika orang tersebut tidak percaya dengan apa yang akan terjadi.
Eat someone alive
Mengalahkan seseorang dengan penuh pemahaman.
Eat up
Menghabiskan sesuatu.
Eat your heart out
Mengigit jari.
Eat your words
Mengakui/ menerima di halayak umum bahwa telah mengatakan sesuatu yang salah.
Eke out
Mengirit sesuatu sehingga bisa digunakan lebih lama.
Elephant in the room
Suatu masalah yang diketahui oleh orang banyak tetapi tidak dibicarakan atau didiskusikan karena terlalu tabu atau memalukan.
End in smoke
Menguap begitu saja tanpa hasil.
Etched in stone
Suatu aturan dan kebiasaan yang tak bisa diubah atau diganngu gugat.
Even keel
Every cloud has a silver lining
Segala sesuatunya bisa diambil hikmahnya, termasuk kejadian buruk.
Every dogs has its day
Setiap orang akan mendapatkan waktunya sendiri untuk bersinar/ sukses.
Everyman has his price
Gagasan atau dukungan orang itu dapat dibeli, tetapi prinsip setiap orang memiliki batasan.
Every trick in the book
Mencoba setiap cara yang mungkin bisa digunakan, termasuk ketidakjujuran dan penipuan untuk medapatkan apa yang diinginkan.
Everybody and their uncle
Situasi dimana banyak orang/ bahkan terlalu banyak orang.
Everyone has their price
Semua orang bisa dibeli, semua orang bisa dibujuk untuk mengubah pendiriannya.
Eye candy
Orang yang terlihat sangat menarik/ cantik.
Eye for an eye
Diekspresikan untuk ganti rugi yang bisa dilakukan sebagai suatu keadilan dimana hukuman harus sesuai dengan besarnya tindakan kejahatan yang sudah dilakukan.
Sesuatu yang mengejutkan, tidak diduga menguak kebenaran tentang sesuatu atau seseorang.
Eyes bigger than one’s stomach
Rakus/ tamak, mengambil sesuatu melebihi apa yang dapat di konsumsi atau dikelola.

Reference: Accessed on March, 25. 2013

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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "D"

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. It was dead air. I realize that I was lost and I didn’t know where I was. I had never been there before.
  2. I have already told you many times, don’t do that stupid thing. You are in the dead wrong now.
  3. I found them deep in the forest, I know they are hungry. I give them some foods and I am happy to look they dig in.
  4. We will have summer holiday next week, and we are going to have dog days in Miami. Do you want to join with us?
  5. Mark, I know you are a good guy. Please don’t be a doormat. All of your friends out there are parasite.
  6. Okay guys, I just want to remind you that you have neighbors. You may practice music here but don’t drive someone up the wall.
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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "C"

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. He is trying to call for the justice. His son is not treated well by Mr. Frank.
  2. Don’t be panic, just calm down and watch everything carefully around you.
  3. Don’t worry, we have cash cows. And they will be our benefit for fulfilling our daily family necessity.
  4. She got clean sheet last month. I think she will get higher salary this month.
  5. Let’s come clean to discuss it. It’s really important for our future.
  6. Everyone must have problems, I know it’s really hard for you and I understand your felling but please don’t be a cry-baby. You should be patient.
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Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "B"

Friday, March 22, 2013

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. This is big company, so don’t recommend him about this position. I think he is a babe in arms.
  2. He is a bad apple, I don’t want you to be a bad guy. I really love you, please trust me.
  3. Three companies accept your job application in the same time. I think your balls in your court.
  4. This is really banana skin. I don’t want to have an argument about this anymore.
  5. You shouldn’t become his friend. He is a bar fly. Moreover, he has many crime notes here.
  6. His name is Richard Parker, He is smart and handsome. I really love him, and he is Benjamin of the family. 
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