
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Contoh dan Arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) Abjad "L"

Contoh Kalimat:
  1. He asks apologies many times to me, it really likes a fish needs a bicycle.
  2. He looks like a kid in a candy store even he buys a pack of cigarette for each workmate in the office.
  3. Ms. Claudia is very smart, intellect, and talented woman. Her performance and reputation are good. There is no reason for not hiring her as the secretary in this office. I heard her way of working is like clock work.
  4. Son, trust me please. You may request loan approval in the Bank. But you don’t take any business with Mr. Louis, He is a loan shark.
  5. Lock and load! The front-line is ambushed by the enemies. Prepare for battle!
  6. I think it’s a long shot for me to get loan approval from Bank for this month.
Silahkan perhatikan pada tabel di bawah ini untuk mengethaui beberapa contoh-contoh dan arti Idioms Bahasa Inggris (English Idioms) yang dimulai dari abjad "L".

English Idioms
Let your guard down
Mulai lengah, mengurangi kewaspadaan.
Light-bulb moment
Ketika mendapat suatu ide, pencerahan.
Like a fish needs a bicycle
Sesuatu yang sebenarnya tak dibutuhkan.
Like a kid in a candy store
Sangat gembira/ senang.
Like a moth to a flame
Tertarik pada bahaya.
Like clock work
Tepat dan teratur.
Lion’s share
Bagian terbesar.
Lo and behold
Loan shark
Lintah darat/ rentenir.
Lock and load
Bersiap-siaga. Diambil dari istilah militer untuk mengokang senapan.
Lock horns
Berdebat/ berseteru tentang sesuatu.
Lock, stock and barrel
Long face
Long shot
Kecil kemungkinannya.
Look on the bright side
Berpikir positif. Melihat sisi baiknya.
Loose canon
Bola liar. Sesuatu/ seeorang yang di luar kendali.
Lower the bar
Menurunkan standar (sehingga lebih mudah).

Reference: Accessed on March, 26. 2013

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