Nouns (kata benda atau nomina) adalah kata yang
digunakan untuk menunjukkan nama orang, tempat, hal, benda mati/ hidup,
kualitas, gagasan, dll. Noun merupakan salah satu bagian dari parts of speech
yang merupakan salah satu elemen dalam grammar bahasa inggris (tata bahasa
Bentuk-bentuk Nouns
1. Concrete Nouns
Concrete nouns
yaitu kata benda yang berwujud, dapat dilihat atau disentuh. Contohnya: gold, iron, table, chair, dog, cat, book,
pencil, pen, car, etc. Contoh kalimat:
I bought a new book.
She washes her car every
He borrows my pencil.
I really love this cat.
The chair in my room is
2. Abstract Nouns
Abstract nouns
yaitu kata benda yang tak dapat dilihat atau di sentuh. Contohnya: agreement, kindness, statement,honesty,
complaint, etc. Contoh kalimat:
Thank you for your kindness.
His statement is very
We have new agreement with
our client from Dubai.
I appreciate your honesty,
you are a loyal man.
I have a complaint from my
Macam-macam Nouns
1. Proper Nouns (Kata Benda Nama Diri)
Contohnya: Adam, Surabaya, Medan,
New York, Miami, New Orleans, Detroit, etc. Contoh kalimat:
I go to Surabaya twice a
New York is a big city.
I visit my grandmother in New
Orleans today.
She gives Adam a new car.
They have lived in Detroit
for 4 years.
2. Common Nouns (Kata Benda Umum)
Contohnya: stone (batu), iron
(besi), diamond (berlian), sand (pasir), water (air), etc. Contoh
I hit that guy with a stone.
We need more iron for
producing stuff.
My mother buys a diamond for
my sister.
The children play sand in the
I drink water when I’m
3. Collective Nouns (Kata Benda
Contohnya: group (grup), club
(klub), class (kelas), etc.
I join with the new club.
I study English in the class
every Wednesday and Friday.
This group is very compact.
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